AMA Recap — TurboTron
The session of AMA ( Ask Me Anything ) with TurboTron was conducted on 16th September 2021 at 5:30 PM IST (12 PM UTC) and lasted for 1 hour.
I welcome both of you on behalf of Crypto players India team, hope you will enjoy today’s AMA session.
Very excited to have you with us.😊
Please tell us about yourself and the team working on TurboTron?
IK Brown
Thanks. I am happy that you mentioned the team in your first question. TurboTron is backed by a great team, I will take some time to introduce myself and the entire team. The rich experience and background of this team have culminated in such a great project with lots more to come…
My name is IK Brown and I lead this project with my amazing team. I was an early participant in an official blockchain enthusiasts group in a multinational company, where I deepened my understanding of blockchain especially the smart contract concept pioneered by ethereum platform. I currently work in the regulatory space in Western Australia. I have an MBA (with Distinction) from Strathclyde Business School and a Public Leadership Credential from Harvard. I am currently based out in Australia.
Václav Pavlín (Lead Developer) and the technical backbone of this project. A talented, witty developer with more than 20yrs programming experience. He oversees all company technology and technological resources by establishing the organization’s technology vision, strategies, and plans for growth. He is a software architect at Red Hat by profession. He oversees building a distributed machine learning platform called Open Data Hub. He is based out in Czech Republic.
Uyi Edos (Developer), works with VP and is currently working on our NFT contract. A Computer Analyst and Computer Engineer specializing in Web Development, Social Media Management and SEO, Website Front End Development and Computer Hardware Troubleshooting, Repairs and Computer Networking. Highly experienced with all stages of Web Development and well versed in numerous programming languages. Great experience in Instrumentation and Process Control Automation and Project Management, customer relationship management and emerging Blockchain technologies.
Divyanshu Prasad (Marketing) works with two others in a very busy dynamic marketing team… He is responsible for overseeing the planning, development and execution of the project’s marketing and advertising initiatives.A SAP Consultant with CS Engineering background working currently with Schlumberger managing the projects. He has 7 years of experience in Strategic Sourcing, implementation and project management and is based out in India.
Adam Jones (Marketing), zestful amazing guy. He is currently working on designing, planning and executing effective marketing campaigns in line with the plan. Building brand awareness and generating innovative ideas to promote the brand/product through various methods. He is currently working in the banking industry based out in the UK.
Mazlum Cihangir (Marketing), enigmatic dude… He is currently working on designing, planning and executing effective marketing campaigns with over 10 Years of experience in the Marketing team of Mobile-Communication brand as a Retail Manager. He is involved for 2 Years in the Crypto industry and is based out in Germany.
Andry(Graphic Designer), is the youngest in the team and in chats of videos, banners and making NFTs A skilled graphic designer working on making promotional content for marketing and advertising campaigns with over 2 years of experience in the crypto Industry. He specializes in making promotional videos and NFT art to be specifically based out in Philippines.
Alex (Internal Auditor) and also brings a lot of important alliances. He has been working as an auditor in a Fin. Tech. company based out in Singapore. He oversees the reports to the Audit Committee and addresses key business risks and control issues within the Project. He has been an early investor in the Crypto industry since 2012, so has vast knowledge about the Blockchain industry.
What TurboTron project is about? How it works, Give a detailed introduction.
IK Brown
TurboTron was initially built as a reflective token paying rewards from transactions back to holders in Tron ($TRX BEP20 token). The previous developers started this and after two weeks of “Stealth Launch,” they couldn’t manage the project. The community rallied and I stepped up with the current team and took over the project. We have transformed the token from a mere reflective token to a token that actually has been used. The reason we’ve done this is that only tokens that have inbuilt utility last the long run. So, TurboTron is a super-utility token that will be used for games, interact and buy NFTs and also pay rewards to holders from transactions. Our game has been on testnet and we are launching the mainnet on 20th Sept. So stay tuned for that. We are also working on the NFT contract and that will be incorporated into future versions of the game.
Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your Platform?
IK Brown
By security, I assume you mean is this project safe and no rug pull? Firstly, the team is made up of investors that are creatively growing our collective investments. We have an experienced 20+years programmer and developer who has audited the contract and it is safe. LP is partly locked forever. We have inherited this token and will further strengthen the security of the token after an external audit. Bear in mind that we are currently rebuilding the token for a relaunch.
What is the Tokenomics and Use case? And how will it be useful for the ecosystem?
IK Brown
I invite holders to view our whitepaper on our website The details of the token are presented there. Total supply is 100,000,000,000 tokens
About 10% was burnt by previous devs
13,500,000,000 tokens in liquidity pool
10% transaction fee (7% paid in rewards, 3% for marketing wallet and 1% liquidity). As per the use case: TurboTron is designed as a utility token, that will be used for our upcoming game and NFT, while also rewarding holders on Tron ($TRX). Our game is epic and team-based and affords teams to compete against each other, tweet progress from within the game environment etc. You can gather a group together and play the game and the winners are rewarded.
Every project has a story behind it. What inspired you to build this project and how the name TurboTron came across your mind? Also share your Roadmap with our community.
IK Brown
This is a very good question. I get excited about telling this story. I come from the part of the world where the community is everything…ours is a story of how a community came together to save and grow their collective investments. We took over this project from the previous devs who were overwhelmed and dumped it on us. I rallied with the current team, took over and we have been transforming this token in under a month, from a mere reflective token to a super-utility one. Team members have not allotted tokens to themselves, we all invested what we own like everyone else. It is amazing to see this happen in a crypto space that is rife with rug pulls and various scams… Our story is different, exciting and will stand the test of time. The name TurboTron was inherited from the prev devs. However we stuck to it, not for Tron token, but because we have branded ourselves with our enthusiasm with the Tron movie. Our roadmap is below:
We are clearly ahead of the roadmap.
- What is the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision that TurboTrxReboot is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrencies market? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any Upcoming Updates?
IK Brown
Our goal is the build a token with a use case. We like the rewards aspect of the token, so we are keeping that. However, we aim to increase the rate of reward by introducing other reasons for transacting in TurboTron: game and NFT. Our mainnet game will be launched on the 20th of September. This will be the v1….we have several other exciting stuff in store for future versions of the game including boosters and use of NFT… We also intend to provide a platform for minting and buying NFTs. We are progressing on that contract as well.
- I see hear the TurboDeal platform accept other coins like Doge and TRX. This is awesome because the fee of gas in ETH is terrible. Can u clarify how this works ? For example if i win a game i can win doge trx etc. or its only for deposit?
IK Brown
Good question. The game winnings are currently in TurboTron token. However, our talented lead developer VP has floated the idea of being able to use other tokens…so it is a possibility in future to earn Doge or some other token.
- I’m curious as to how the TurboTRON token reduces inflation pressure, improves price stability, and reduces the dangers of governments pursuing unsound monetary policies.’ also, how it improves POS transaction security..Could you explain us how you did it?
IK Brown
TurboTron like other cryptos is built on sound monetary principles. Decentralised tokens aim to bring the concept of defining “value” back to the people…however, regulation is needed and will help shape the space. No one can stop govt from pursuing “unsound monetary policy” the macroeconomic system is what it is…but govt can be influenced.
Inu or Iku
Why did you choose BEP20 network to build a project like this, are you ready to face the current problems of BEP20 network, token price drop, bugs and other bugs, give feedback your?
IK Brown
In our opinion BSC is tried and trusted…there are newer platforms and you can see that they are still on Beta versions and stability is key…BEP-20 tokens have the additional advantage of low gas fees.
ase TurboTron develops many products, which is an advantage when it can meet almost the needs of users. However, does developing many products make management difficult? How do you ensure the quality of all ase TurboTron products?
IK Brown
Thanks for this. We have spent a lot of time developing our roadmap. Our future ecosystem is based on three pillars: game, NFT and rewards.
Myrle Mcclain
NFT is getting more popular now a days. It looks NFT has bright future. So do you guies have any plan to include NFT to your project?
IK Brown
Yes, we do. I have shared a lot already on our NFT plans which include minting and use for gameplay.
Rakib Vai
While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?
IK Brown
This project is community-run. Please join our telegram group and add your voice to the wonderful ideas shared by the community.
Do you have AUDIT credentials or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable?
IK Brown
We have internally audited our contract. We are currently in contact with an external auditing firm to do an audit when we are done with the newer features of the contract.
Currently most investors only care about profits at the moment but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give them some reasons why they should buy and hold your token in the long term?
IK Brown
This is a very good question. We have discussed this within the team and decided to build a token that has a real use case. Gaming and NFT.
Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?
IK Brown
The prev devs burnt a few tokens. We currently don’t have the intention to do burns. The value of our token will be derived from the utility organically.
Thank you so much for having us. I have a gift for you…please enjoy the YouTube video on the game below:
The AMA recorded many great questions from the Crypto Players India community, as well as meticulous answers from our guest IK Brown from TurboTron. AMA Concluded at 6:30 pm IST.