AMA Recap — MetaStarter
The session of AMA ( Ask Me Anything ) with MetaStarter was conducted on 17th Nov 2021 at 2 PM IST (8:30 PM UTC) and lasted for 1:30 hours.
I welcome you on behalf of Crypto players India team, hope you will enjoy today’s AMA session.
Very excited to have you with us.😊
Please introduce yourself and the team working on MetaStarter?
Arjun Naidu G
Myself Arjun Naidu, CEO and Co-founder of Metastarter, NextGen IDEAS PAD for the metaverse and Gaming projects :
I’ve been in the Crypto industry since 2017, I worked on multiple crypto and Blockchain-based projects as a business developer, community manager. Also an active crypto evangelist and advisor, I help promising Web 3 projects and entrepreneurs scale growth through research-backed strategies. The team working on Metastarter has been in the crypto and blockchain industry for quite a time and has experience in handling overseas projects.
What is Metastater? Please provide a detailed introduction.
Arjun Naidu G
Metastarter is the premier multi-chain launchpad and accelerator for metaverse projects. MetaStarter is enabling the next generation of metaverse companies to raise financing via Initial Metaverse Offerings (IMOs) and Initial Game Offerings (IGOs) . The platform strives to uncover and develop promising Metaverse and gaming entrepreneurs with a distinctive vision and solid business model that are changing the web of the future. For the project’s strategic launch, the platform also provides growth frameworks. With the changing web, and advancement of the metaverse, Metastarter’s, through its IGO, IMO launchpad, aims to provide advanced capitalization frameworks that allow the projects to get the opportunity that will have an effect on the future of the internet and how we interact with it. The platform will enable projects to empower their communities, fund their launch, and participate in a Metaverse-designed ecosystem.
What is tiered token allocation system? How can one get guaranteed allocation?
Arjun Naidu G
Metastarter creating advance tier module system for the Guaranteed allocations . The bigger your stake, regardless of tier, the more likely you are to be accepted. The Public and Community rounds will begin and terminate at the specified times. If there are any tokens left over after the Public and Community rounds. The tokens will be distributed on a first-come, first-served (FCFS) basis.
Tire modules for guaranteed allocation
Let’s imagine an example project called XYZ Token that is using our Metastarter Launchpad. To simplify the math, let’s say they are selling 1,000,000 tokens in the public pool. There are 100 Metaspace Members, 25 Nova Members, 10 Leostar Members and 5 Universe Members.
formula : num_users_in_tier * share_amount * tier_pool_weight
The amount of tokens for Metaspace is 100 * 320 * 10 = 320,000
More details we will update soon.
What is Virtual Market? Also share your Roadmap.
Arjun Naidu G
we are building an advanced virtual economic layer with metastarter’s matalayer. here brands and blockchain gaming projects and NFT Artist can create their own virtual galleries under their brand it will be like Next-gen 3D space virtual Shopify on metaverse. A virtual Market is a marketplace based on the internet where numerous companies execute economic transactions.
With this concept, we are building an advanced virtual economy layer on 3D space for Gaming projects and NFT creators, and Brands can create their own virtual Galleries under their Branding on metaverse to increase the use of socialization with virtual interaction and fan base. Creating fun and earn zones tournaments and challenge mini-games on metaverse space. Virtual reality is becoming a part of one’s everyday life. Metastarter brings this technology of the future to the tips of users’ fingers by helping to view NFTs in personalised virtual galleries n Our primary vision is to empower all the metaverse and blockchain gaming projects by giving them the right support for next-level growth.
and our futuristic road is Metastarter has already attained the alpha stage with team collaborations and successful giveaways in Q3 2021. For Q4, The platform is said to have fundraising and airdrop events along with deployment of its launchpads on Polygon, BSC, and Ethereum. This would be followed by the Beta launch and security audit along with its main net launch. After this, the metaverse and blockchain gaming projects will be launched on Metastarter’s launchpad. In 2022 Q1&Q2 we will establish our launchpad into other chains along with the accelerator to the virtual marketplace in 3D space with advanced features.
Having a launchpad offering on your platform is an interesting concept but what makes it unique from others? How will the team evaluate projects to be listed on your launchpad?
Arjun Naidu G
In the crypto space, there are many launchpads coming up but we are offering advanced from accelerator to grow next level and in virtual marketplace we are allowing project to create their OWN virtual galleries’ to increase their user base. apart from that, we are giving immersive opportunities for the project to grow next level that makes us bring more project launch their IGO AND IMO offering on metastarter launchpad.
There are many sellers in NFT marketplaces but, do you think to build a place for high-level artists because I don't want my art lost in many trash “art”.
Arjun Naidu G
If you see top projects like open sea there everyone can mint trade their NFTs but we creating advanced opportunities for creators and fans and brads, players to create their own virtual galleries’ with their own brands on 3D space instead of browsing websites. with Hight security feature.
Many projects promise a long-term plan, big mission and great success in future but never release any working product or revenue. What makes your project diferent with these projects? Could you share some big achievements that you get in 2021?
Arjun Naidu G
Currently, we are mainly focusing on launchpad which is built on polygon and BSC soon it will be launched after auditing test net and our longer vision in 2022 crating advanced virtual marketplace for Artist and gaming projects and creating a play to earn zone on 3D space it gives uniqueness from other projects.
How important is the COMMUNITY to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?
Arjun Naidu G
We are planning to announce Meta warriors program by leveraging communities to grow next level here community can support to MetaStarter in different areas of video creation and marketing more for that they will be getting some incentive rewards.
Nancy Ava
Audit of the “PRojEcT” helps user to build trust on Project.
Can you talk about the audit of your project and which audit company has audited?
Arjun Naidu G
Yes of course token contract is audited by one leading company in the crypto space.
Never Mind
Are your developers are anonymous? When do you intend to become public?
Arjun Naidu G
Developers is not annon we will publish the developer details soon.
Tien Han
Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?
Arjun Naidu G
Yes, we have Token burning plans in future.
🇨 🇷 7
Is your project a global project or not? can any user/people be part of your project?
Arjun Naidu G
Yes, this project is built for global users.
Yasuo VN
Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?
Arjun Naidu G
Yes, we are planning to build a local community to understand updates easily.
Dragron Of Asia
What is the meaning of the name of the project and why did you name it that way?
Arjun Naidu G
😊 Smart question our logo symbol of virtual starter meaning its supports for all Nextgen ideas which are in early stages.
The AMA recorded many great questions from the Crypto Players India community, as well as meticulous answers from our guest Arjun Naidu G from MetaStarter. AMA Concluded at 3:30 pm IST.